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Homophobia, Transphobia and Hate Crime

Author: Treze Ltd
Published: 10th Jan 2015
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Sexual Bullying Publications

Summary: NoBullying explores what homosexual and transsexual teens are facing in todays world regarding hate crime.

Main Document

With the suicide of Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who couldn't cope with society's refusal and bullying, as per this January 5th, 2015, New York Post Article, NoBullying explores, in a series of articles in the spotlight, what homosexual and transsexual teens are facing in today's world.

In an ever changing world, LGBT teens and youths are still facing hate crimes, homophobia and various types of bullying and abuse for their failure to 'cope with society's norm'. In Leelah's case, her parents wouldn't accept her gender identity and have tried several ways to dissuade her from the transition from male to female.

In her last blog post before her sadly successful suicide attempt, Leelah's last words online, according to this Guardian article published on January 5th, were "fix society, please". NoBullying feels this is echoing society's failure to accept her gender transition and the entire concept of transgenderism.

NoBullying believes that no LGBT person is trying to convert people of other sexualities to change, because they know the feeling they have inside comes from their nature. LGBT people are not asking for special rights, but to just have the same rights as everyone else.

NoBullying has broken out news in 2014 about the fact that a large majority of LGBT children were bullied in school and online because of their sexual identity and preference.

Praise should also be extended to organizations such as the "It gets better" organization, which aims to teach and protect LGBT members of the community from harassment, violence and forms of hate crimes. The It Gets Better Project is one of the most important groups to be created during our lifetime. It appears to NoBullying that the victims of bullying are finding a way to reach out to those who understand what they are going through, and they are gaining hope that the future will be a much happier time for them.

Leelah's suicide serves as a wakeup call for anyone who fails to accept the true concept of acceptance, tolerance and human rights. It is up to parents, educators and caregivers to focus on teaching children these concepts including the concepts of accepting those that are different regardless of personal feelings and belief systems, according to Ciaran Connolly, Co Founder of NoBullying.

Ciaran Connolly says "As with every new year approaching us, we cannot help but fear for the safety and sanity of LGBT children and teens facing school bullying and various sorts of abuse. LGBT bullying needs to be stopped with education, kindness and stricter laws."

He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of neglecting online safety and photos safety. According to Connolly, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of bullying and harassment. features many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about law making concerning curbing Bullying worldwide as well as inspirational Bullying Poems and famous Bullying Quotes.

The website regularly updates its bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the bullying epidemic is. It also regularly runs cyber bullying surveys and questionnaires to get recent updated statistics on everything related to cyberbullying.

He also added that anyone suffering from bullying in any form or way can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website - but if anyone is suffering from severe bullying or cyber bullying, the best thing is to talk to someone locally - a parent, teacher or local organization that has been set up to help with specialized councilors to deal with this topic.

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Latest Sexual Bullying Publications

The above information is from our reference library of resources relating to Sexual Bullying that includes:

Researchers were particularly interested in two types of empathy, affective and cognitive, and how they differed in cyberbullied children. Image Credit: Florida Atlantic University. thumbnail image
Florida Atlantic University study first to explore empathy types in early U.S. adolescents and the relationship to online bullying.
Publish Date: 8th Aug 2022 - Updated: 5th Jan 2023
Romantic Relationships Buffer Gay and Lesbian Youth from Emotional Distress thumbnail image.
Lesbian and gay youth showed significantly less psychological distress and were buffered against the negative effects of bullying and victimization when they were in a relationship.
Publish Date: 15th Feb 2018
Opinion: Sexual Harassment: Doing Nothing Not an Option thumbnail image.
While the current discussions of sexual harassment have raised awareness for many, it will be meaningless unless it results in a change of behavior.
Publish Date: 21st Dec 2017
Resilience to Adversity Determines if Children Survive or Thrive When Bullied thumbnail image.
Article looks at whether there is a major personal characteristic or trait that buffers and protects kids against internalizing the harm intended through bullying and cyberbullying.
Publish Date: 15th Oct 2017

1Transgender Reporting Guide
How to write about transgender people.

2Am I Gay? Questions to Ask
Think you may be gay or bisexual?

3Glossary of Sexuality Terms
Definitions of sexual terms & acronyms.

4LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
Symbols of Identity and Inclusion.

5LGBT Awareness Dates
Important LGBTQ community awareness days, remembrance dates, and coming pride events.

• Submissions: Send us your coming events and LGBTQ related news stories.

• Report Errors: Please report outdated or inaccurate information to us.

• (APA): Treze Ltd. (2015, January 10). Homophobia, Transphobia and Hate Crime. Retrieved January 15, 2025 from

• Permalink: <a href="">Homophobia, Transphobia and Hate Crime</a>