Author: Sexual Diversity
Published: 31st Oct 2014 - Updated: 30th Jan 2017
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: LGBT Facts and Statistics Publications
Summary: Answers to commonly asked questions regarding LGBT people including myths, facts, and explanations.
Sorting out the myths and realities can lead to greater self-awareness which motivates us to learn more and become accepting of those whose sexual orientation may be different from our own.
We do not know what causes homosexuality.
This is by far one of the most controversial issues.
Perhaps a better question would be: "What determines our sexual orientation?" To date, no research has conclusively established the causes of either homosexuality, bisexuality, or heterosexuality. Some believe that orientation is predetermined genetically or hormonally. Others maintain that all humans are predisposed to all variations of sexual/affectionate behavior and learn their orientation.
The majority of child molesters are gay or lesbian.
Statistics regarding child molestation prepared by the Boston Advocates for Human Rights reveal that, "the vast majority of child molestation - over 90% - is performed by heterosexual males. The man who is sexually interested in children is rarely homosexual."
Most people who are lesbian or gay regard themselves as members of the other sex.
Most, if not all, gay and lesbian people are very happy with their gender.
In many ways, their identity is seen as a celebration and affirmation of their gender, not a rejection of it. Many times people confuse homosexuality with transsexuality or transvestism. Transsexual people feel as if they were born into the wrong body and should be the other sex. Transvestites are people who often dress in the traditional clothing of the other sex. Most transvestites are heterosexual.
Homosexuality is not "natural," that is, it does not exist in nature; therefore this proves it is dysfunctional.
Each culture defines what is "natural" to fit its own context.
Historians tell us that homosexuality has existed since the earliest of human societies. Anthropologists report that lesbians and gay men have been part of every culture. In one study of non-Western cultures, 64% of the respondents considered homosexuality as "normal and socially acceptable." It is also a well known fact that same sex behavior is "natural" between animals.
In a LGBT relationship, one partner usually plays the "husband" or "butch" role and the other plays the "wife" or "femme" role.
This is an old pattern that was evident in some gay or lesbian relationships when gay and lesbian people had only the traditional heterosexual relationships as a model.
Today, most gay and lesbian people work to develop relationships based on principles of equality and mutuality where there are loved for who they are and not for the roles they play. There is no right or wrong way that prescribes how to divide roles between partners.
People who are LGBT should not be teachers because they will try to convert their students to their lifestyle.
It is impossible to convert heterosexuals to being homosexuals, just as it is impossible to convert homosexuals to being heterosexuals. Based on what is known about sexual attraction, this is simply not possible.
People who are LGBT have made a conscious decision to be that way.
While researchers continue to disagree on the causes of sexual orientation, most agree that there is a predisposition or genetic relationship involved.
The only place where choice seems to come into play is when LGBT people decide how they will acknowledge the identity that they are. "Coming Out," or acknowledging one's sexual orientation, to oneself or others, can be a lifelong process. LGBT people are often in a continual state of deciding whom to come out to, and with whom to "stay in the closet."
The majority of child molesters are gay or lesbian.
Statistics regarding child molestation prepared by the Boston Advocates for Human Rights reveal that, "the vast majority of child molestation - over 90% - is performed by heterosexual males. The man who is sexually interested in children is rarely homosexual."
There are some significant differences among the lifestyles of LGBT people.
This tends to be a true statement in that all people tend to develop their own individual lifestyle.
Just like there are differences between the lifestyles between men and women, there are differences between the lifestyles of gay men and lesbians. It is also important to note that there are significant distinctions between the communities. For example, just as there are a variety of different women, so are there a variety of different lesbians.
Homosexuality is a type of mental illness and can be cured by appropriate psychotherapy.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of official mental illnesses.
In 1974 the American Psychological Association did the same. The APA went further to state that: "Homosexuality, per se, implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capacities."
Most people who are lesbian or gay could be cured by having really good sex with a member of the other sex.
There are no cures.
Many gay and lesbian people have had satisfying heterosexual experiences in their lifetime. Most people who identify as gay or lesbian would never choose to be sexually active with members of the other sex and would resent and challenge the inference that heterosexuals have a corner on the market of "good sex."
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Latest LGBT Facts and Statistics Publications | |
The above information is from our reference library of resources relating to LGBT Facts and Statistics that includes: | |
Gender-Diverse Youth in Rural Appalachia Exceeds Estimate A survey of junior high and high school students in rural Appalachia about gender identity found over 7% shared a gender identity that did not fully align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Publish Date: 8th Aug 2022 - Updated: 5th Jan 2023 | |
Pathways Into Poverty for LGBTQ Adults Study Report by Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law provides exploration of common pathways into and prolonging poverty among diverse population of low-income LGBTQ people in California. Publish Date: 30th Sep 2020 | |
A Summary of Data on LGBT Suicide for Suicide Prevention Month Research shows that anti-LGBT discrimination and victimization contribute to an increase in the risk of suicidality and that LGBT people are at disproportionate risk of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts. Publish Date: 6th Sep 2020 | |
U.S. Same-Sex Couple Households - 2005 to 2015 Statistics Estimates of same-sex couple households in the American Community Survey including margin of errors for same-sex couple U.S. households. Publish Date: 15th Feb 2018 |
1Transgender Reporting Guide
How to write about transgender people.
2Am I Gay? Questions to Ask
Think you may be gay or bisexual?
3Glossary of Sexuality Terms
Definitions of sexual terms & acronyms.
4LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
Symbols of Identity and Inclusion.
5LGBT Awareness Dates
Important LGBTQ community awareness days, remembrance dates, and coming pride events.
• Submissions: Send us your coming events and LGBTQ related news stories.
• Report Errors: Please report outdated or inaccurate information to us.
• (APA): Sexual Diversity. (2014, October 31). LGBT Facts, Myths and Realities Regarding Sexual Diversity. Retrieved January 12, 2025 from
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