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LGBTQ+ Sexuality Unicode and Emoji Symbols

Updated/Revised Date: 7th Nov 2022
Author: Sexual Diversity | Contact:
Additional References: Unicode - Emoji Symbols Publications

Synopsis: LGBT Emoji and Unicode symbols in hexadecimal, decimal, alt X, and symbol code format for websites, email, and social media posts.



Unicode, formally The Unicode Standard, is an information technology standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Unicode currently covers most major writing systems in use today. The standard, maintained by the Unicode Consortium, defines the current version (15.0) as 149,186 characters covering, as of 2022, a total of 161 modern and historic scripts, symbols, emoji (including in color), and non-visual control and formatting codes.

Main Section

Unicode input is the insertion of a user's specific Unicode character on a computer or incorporated on a website or in an email as CSS or HTML code. Unicodes are also a common way to input characters not directly supported by a physical keyboard. They can be produced by selecting them from a display or by typing a certain sequence of keys on a physical keyboard to create an emoji or symbol. A character produced by one of these methods in one web page, email, or document can easily be copied into another.

NOTE: See below the chart for instructions on inserting emojis and Unicode into documents.

Sexuality and LGBT Unicode Emoji Symbols
Symbol Name Unicode AltAlt X CSS Decimal Hexidecimal
Unmarried partnership symbol U+26AF 9903 26AF \26AF ⚯ ⚯
Divorce symbol U+26AE 9902 26AE \26AE ⚮ ⚮
Marriage symbol U+26AD 9901 26AD \26AD ⚭ ⚭
⚪︎ Medium white circle, asexuality, sexless, genderless U+26AA 9898 26AA \26AA ⚪ ⚪
Neuter, Eunuch U+26B2 9906 26B2 \26B2 ⚲ ⚲
Horizontal male with stroke U+26A9 9897 26A9 \26A9 ⚩ ⚩
Vertical Male with Stroke U+26A8 9896 26A8 \26A8 ⚨ ⚨
Mercury (Intersexuality) U+263F 9791 263F \263F ☿ ☿
Doubled female, lesbianism U+26A2 9890 26A2 \26A2 ⚢ ⚢
Doubled male, male homosexuality U+26A3 9891 26A3 \26A3 ⚣ ⚣
Interlocked female and male, bisexuality U+26A4 9892 26A4 \26A4 ⚤ ⚤
Male and female sign, transgender, hermaphrodite U+26A5 9893 26A5 \26A5 ⚥ ⚥
Male with stroke, transgender U+26A6 9894 26A6 \26A6 ⚦ ⚦
Male with stroke and male and female sign, transgender U+26A7 9895 26A7 \26A7 ⚧ ⚧
Male Sign Emoji U+2642 9794 2642 \2642 ♂ ♂
Female Sign Emoji U+2640 9792 2640 \2640 ♀ ♀
👭 Two Women Holding Hands Emoji U+1F46D 128109 1F46D \1F46D 👭 👭
👬 Two Men Holding Hands Emoji U+1F46C 128108 1F46C \1F46C 👬 👬

How to Insert Unicode and Emoji Characters

To insert a Unicode character, type the character code, press ALT, and then press X. For example, to type the "transgender" Unicode symbol (⚦), type 26A6, press ALT, and then press X. This will work with WordPad Outlook, Microsoft Office, etc.

How to Insert ASCII Character Codes

To insert an ASCII character, press and hold down the "ALT" key while typing the code. For example, to insert the marriage (⚭) symbol, press and hold down the ALT key while typing 9901 on the numeric keypad (You must use the numeric keypad to type the numbers).

How to Add Unicode and Emoji Symbols to HTML

You can add a Unicode or emoji character to an HTML document, such as an email or website, by creating an HTML entity. For example, to create an HTML entity for the Trademark symbol TM, you can choose one of the following ways:

All HTML entities begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semi-colon (;). For the hexadecimal, you prefix the hexadecimal number with x to indicate that the following numbers should be interpreted as hexadecimal. For numeric references (both decimal and hexadecimal), you add a hash (#) after the ampersand (&).

Copy and Pasting Unicode and Emoji Symbols

Often you can simply select the desired symbol and copy & paste it to where you want it placed.

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Latest Unicode - Emoji Symbols Publications

The above information is from our reference library of material relating to Unicode - Emoji Symbols that includes:

Unicode Bisexual Character thumbnail image.
Information regarding the bisexuality Unicode symbol, which consists of an interlocked female and male sign, includes displaying and encoding codes for emails and websites.
Publish Date: 7th Nov 2022 - Updated: 17th Nov 2022
Unicode Asexuality Character thumbnail image.
Information regarding the asexuality Unicode symbol, including displaying and encoding codes for emails and websites.
Publish Date: 6th Nov 2022 - Updated: 17th Nov 2022
Unicode Transgender Character thumbnail image.
Information regarding the transgender Unicode symbol, including displaying and encoding codes for emails and websites.
Publish Date: 5th Nov 2022 - Updated: 17th Nov 2022
Unicode Unmarried Partnership Character thumbnail image.
Information regarding the Unmarried Partnership Unicode symbol, including displaying and encoding codes for emails and websites.
Publish Date: 4th Nov 2022 - Updated: 17th Nov 2022

1Transgender Reporting Guide
How to write about transgender people.

2Am I Gay? Questions to Ask
Think you may be gay or bisexual?

3Glossary of Sexuality Terms
Definitions of sexual terms & acronyms.

4LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
Symbols of Identity and Inclusion.

5LGBT Awareness Dates
Important LGBTQ community awareness days, remembrance dates, and coming pride events.

• Submissions: Send us your coming events and LGBTQ related news stories.

• Report Errors: Please report outdated or inaccurate information to us.

• (APA): (2022, November 7). LGBTQ+ Sexuality Unicode and Emoji Symbols. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

• Permalink: <a href="">LGBTQ+ Sexuality Unicode and Emoji Symbols</a>