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Gay Vegas Magazine and Signed with Rivendell Media

Author: Gay Vegas
Published: 14th Jan 2015 - Updated: 25th Oct 2022
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Entertainment Publications

Summary: Gay Vegas, and its marketing assets Gay Vegas Magazine and have signed with Rivendell Media.

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The news came shortly after a competing Las Vegas LGBT publication had sent a going "out of print" release. Gay Vegas Magazine is found in more locations than any other local monthly LGBT publication and has the highest LGBT monthly publication circulation in Las Vegas or Nevada.

Gay Vegas Magazine became the first monthly LGBT publication made available at every major hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip and can be found at hundreds of locations all over the local Las Vegas valley.

Gay Vegas is gay-owned and operated by thirty-one year old publisher John Lawrence, who is no stranger to the LGBT market in Las Vegas. Lawrence began his 10 year Las Vegas LGBT marketing career in 2005 working for a newly opened Krave Nightclub which billed itself as "the first gay nightclub on the Las Vegas strip." John would later sign on with Piranha Nightclub and would be the driving force behind the nightclubs launch, marketing plan and success. He would later acquire Gay Vegas and which were originally formed in 1997 during the dot-com boom.

Today is visited by more than 100 different countries from all seven continents by visitors looking for LGBT Las Vegas travel information.

Gay Vegas Magazine and its website feature LGBT news and front cover celebrities and their interviews including Bette Midler, Cameron Diaz, Nick Jonas, Jason Mraz, Jennifer Hudson, Tyler Glenn and more.

In an official statment Lawrence said,

"We are honored to have a voice for the LGBT community in Las Vegas and are very excited about our new partnerships and sponsorships that will help us market Las Vegas as the amazing LGBT destination it truly is."

Lawrence recounts,

"When we began distributing Gay Vegas Magazine on the Strip it was received mostly with open arms. I had one concierge representative cry when she saw the publication for the first time. She said she had never seen anything like it and that it has always been a struggle for her to inform her guests of LGBT information." "Since then Nevada has received Marriage Equality." "Things are definitely progressing quickly."

Gay Vegas Magazine will release a historical "Love and Marriage" issue in February, the first of its kind since same sex marriage has been legalized in Nevada. Gay Vegas Magazine has no explicit content and is committed to giving the Las Vegas LGBT community back its voice through mainstream media.

Gay Vegas is the first LGBT Las Vegas publication to have its circulation audited.

Lawrence says the key to the publications success is "staying open and honest."

"We serve the truth, thats what our advertisers are paying for and that's what our community wants to read."

Gay Vegas is gay-owned and operated by thirty-one year old publisher John Lawrence, who is no stranger to the LGBT market in Las Vegas. Lawrence began his 10 year Las Vegas LGBT marketing career in 2005 working for Krave Nightclub which was billed as the first gay nightclub on the Las Vegas strip. John would later sign on with Piranha Nightclub and would be the driving force behind the nightclubs launch, marketing plan and success. He would later acquire Gay Vegas and which was originally formed in 1997 during the dot-com boom.

Gay Vegas Magazine is found in more locations than any other local monthly LGBT publication and has the highest LGBT monthly publication circulation in Las Vegas or Nevada. Gay Vegas Magazine became the first monthly LGBT publication made available in every major hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip and can be found at any major hotel & casino concierge and at hundreds of locations all over the local Las Vegas valley.

References and Source(s):

Gay Vegas Magazine and Signed with Rivendell Media | Gay Vegas. makes no warranties or representations in connection therewith. Content may have been edited for style, clarity or length.

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• (APA): Gay Vegas. (2015, January 14). Gay Vegas Magazine and Signed with Rivendell Media. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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