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PFLAG National: Guide to Being a Trans Ally

Author: PFLAG National
Published: 9th Dec 2014 - Updated: 24th Apr 2020
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Literature Publications

Summary: Guide to being a trans ally is a new publication and training series from the Straight for Equality project.

Main Document

There are nearly 700,000 people who identify as transgender in the U.S., according to The Williams Institute at UCLA, yet there has not been a handy, accessible tool for the millions of other Americans, all current or prospective trans allies, to know how to engage respectfully with trans people - until now.

PFLAG National - the nation's largest organization uniting families, friends, and allies with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) - unveiled guide to being a trans ally, a new publication and training series from its signature Straight for Equality™ project. The guide, accompanying web resources, and training series will educate, engage, and empower more people to become active allies to people who identify as or happen to be transgender (or trans).

"As many become more familiar with people who are transgender, the opportunities for being allies are tremendous," said Jody Huckaby, Executive Director of PFLAG National. "This publication will provide an understanding of who trans allies are, what they need to know, and specific ways they can display inclusive behaviors."

The publication and education series build on PFLAG's many decades of experience as the family and ally voice in the LGBTQ equality movement, and further expands the organization's reach to include new allies: those who may not have a relative or friend who is LGBTQ, yet still support equality for all. By speaking directly to allies to the trans community, the publication and education series invites people of all sexual orientations to support their trans friends and colleagues.

Guide to being a trans ally is the fourth publication from PFLAG National's Straight for EqualityTM project.

Launched in 2007, Straight for EqualityTM was developed to invite, educate, and engage new allies - people without a family connection to the LGBTQ community - who may not understand the powerful role they have in advancing the discussion about equality. Since its inception, more than 12,000 people have been educated in Straight for EqualityTM learning programs nationwide, notably in over 100 major corporations, with publication distribution exceeding 150,000 copies.

As part of the new publication and education series launch, PFLAG is hosting a live TweetChat on Thursday, December 11th, 1 pm EST/10 am PST. Participating will be PFLAG National's Policy Director Diego Sanchez, who made history as the first openly transgender senior legislative staffer on Capitol Hill, as well as Jean-Marie Navetta, Director of Equality & Diversity Partnerships and lead on the Straight for EqualityTM project. To engage in the tweetchat in real time, follow #TransAlly.

The publication, associated web resources, and information on PFLAG's learning programs are available online at

Founded in 1972 with the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the original family and ally organization.

Made up of families, friends, and allies united with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy. PFLAG has more than 350 chapters and 200,000 supporters crossing multiple generations of American families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across the United States. To learn more, visit

Straight for Equality™ is a signature project of PFLAG National. It was launched in 2007 to invite, educate, and engage individuals to have the discussions necessary to move equality forward - in simple, nonpolitical ways - for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Learn more at

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• (APA): PFLAG National. (2014, December 9). PFLAG National: Guide to Being a Trans Ally. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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