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Same Sex Couples: News and Information

Updated/Revised Date: 25th Oct 2022
Author: Sexual Diversity | Contact:
Additional References: Same Sex Couples Publications

Synopsis: Information, news and articles on same-sex relationships - includes recent rulings, laws, and anti-discrimination acts.


Same-sex Relationship

A same-sex relationship is a romantic or sexual relationship between people of the same sex. Same-sex marriage refers to the institutionalized recognition of such relationships in the form of a marriage; civil unions may exist in countries where same-sex marriage does not. The term same-sex relationship is not strictly related to the sexual orientation of the participants. As people of any orientation may participate in same-sex relationships (mainly depending on the legal, social, and scientific definition of sex), some activists argue that referring to a same-sex relationship as a "gay relationship" or a "lesbian relationship" is a form of bisexual erasure.

Main Section

A same-sex relationship is between two persons of the same sex and can take many forms, from romantic and sexual, to non-romantic homosocially-close relationships. The term is primarily associated with homosexual couples. Same-sex marriage refers to the institutionalized recognition of such couples.

The term same-sex relationship is not strictly related to the sexual orientation of the participants. As bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transsexual, androgynous, and heterosexual people may participate in same-sex relationships, some activists claim that referring to a same-sex relationship as a "gay relationship" or a "lesbian relationship" is a form of bisexual erasure.

The lives of many historical figures, including Socrates, Alexander the Great, Lord Byron, Edward II, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Vita Sackville-West, Alfonsina Storni, and Christopher Marlowe, are believed to have included love and sexual relationships with people of their sex.

State protections and prohibitions regarding (romantic or sexual) same-sex couples vary by jurisdiction. In some locations, same-sex couples are extended full marriage rights just as opposite-sex couples, and in other locations, they may be extended limited protections or none at all. The policy also varies regarding the adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Same-sex marriage

Also known as gay marriage is marriage between two people of the same biological sex and/or gender identity. Legal recognition of same-sex marriage or the possibility to perform a same-sex marriage is sometimes referred to as marriage equality or equal marriage, particularly by supporters. Legalizing same-sex marriage is characterized as "redefining marriage" by many opponents.

Similar Longevity for Same-Sex Marriages and Heterosexual Marriages

Among couples with marriage-like commitments, same-sex couples have a similar break-up rate as heterosexual couples, according to a recent study. The study also found that same-sex couples with a marriage-like commitment have stable unions regardless of government recognition.

The findings come from a nationally representative survey of 3,009 couples (471 same-sex) who were followed between 2009 and 2013.

"The marriage commitment is associated with a strong benefit in couple stability for both heterosexual couples and same-sex couples," said Dr. Michael J. Rosenfeld, author of the Journal of Marriage and Family study.

LGBT Parenting

LGBT parenting is when lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are parents to one or more children, either as biological or non-biological parents. Same-sex male couples face options that include: "foster care, variations of domestic and international adoption, diverse forms of surrogacy (whether "traditional" or gestational), and kinship arrangements, wherein they might co-parent with a woman or women with whom they are intimately but not sexually involved." LGBT parents can also include single people who are parenting; to a lesser extent, the term sometimes refers to families with LGBT children.

Important Dates

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Latest Same Sex Couples Publications

The above information is from our reference library of material relating to Same Sex Couples that includes:

Sexual Minority Families Fare as Well or Better Than Traditional Ones thumbnail image.
Exploration of gender identity and sexuality may enhance children's ability to succeed and thrive in a range of contexts.
Publish Date: 9th Mar 2023
Same-Sex Parents are More Likely than Different-Sex Parents to Raise Adopted and Foster Children thumbnail image.
Same-sex parents are 7 times more likely than different-sex parents to raise adopted and foster children.
Publish Date: 17th Jun 2021
Same-sex Couples Do Not Influence Their Adoptive Children's Gender Identity thumbnail image.
Study findings show there is no major difference in gender identity development of children raised by same-sex parents compared to those adopted by heterosexual couples.
Publish Date: 20th Aug 2017
No Difference in Outcomes Among Children Raised by Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Families thumbnail image.
Study compared same-sex and different-sex parent households on child psychological well-being, parenting stress, and parents use of informal and formal support in child rearing.
Publish Date: 26th Feb 2017 - Updated: 28th Feb 2017
Anglican Attitudes to Same-sex Relationships May Be Softening thumbnail image.
New data reveals 50% of Anglicans believe same sex relationships and gay marriage are not wrong.
Publish Date: 15th Feb 2017

1Transgender Reporting Guide
How to write about transgender people.

2Am I Gay? Questions to Ask
Think you may be gay or bisexual?

3Glossary of Sexuality Terms
Definitions of sexual terms & acronyms.

4LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
Symbols of Identity and Inclusion.

5LGBT Awareness Dates
Important LGBTQ community awareness days, remembrance dates, and coming pride events.

• Submissions: Send us your coming events and LGBTQ related news stories.

• Report Errors: Please report outdated or inaccurate information to us.

• (APA): (2022, October 25). Same Sex Couples: News and Information. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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