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Female Ejaculation: How to Make a Woman Squirt

Author: Sexual Diversity
Author Contact: Sexual Diversity (
Published: 23rd Sep 2014 - Updated: 23rd Sep 2022
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Sexuality Publications

Summary: During sexual arousal, the paraurethral glands fill with fluid and can result in female ejaculation from a light sprinkle to an enormous gush.


Female Ejaculation

Female ejaculation is characterized as an expulsion of fluid from the Skene's gland at the lower end of the urethra during or before an orgasm. It is also known colloquially as squirting (or gushing). However, research indicates that female ejaculation and squirting are different phenomena, squirting being attributed to a sudden expulsion of liquid that partly comes from the bladder and contains urine. Whether the Skene's gland secretes the fluid through and around the urethra has also been a topic of discussion; In contrast, the exact source and nature of the fluid remain controversial among medical professionals and are related to doubts over the existence of the female G-spot; there is substantial evidence that the Skene's gland is the source of female ejaculation. The function of female ejaculation, however, remains unclear.

Main Document

During sexual arousal, the paraurethral glands, also known as "Skene's Glands," fill with fluid and may sometimes feel through the vaginal wall. The amount of fluid released by the paraurethral glands (These glands produce an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphatase and glucose) is reported to vary from a couple of drops to almost two cups.

The female prostate is a collection of paraurethral glands. These glands surround the female urethra and empty it through many small ducts. Since the female paraurethral glands do not have the same structure as the male prostate, it is not appropriate to say women have a prostate gland.

The female G-Spot need not be stimulated for ejaculation, but most women say that their first ejaculation experience came from massaging their G-spot. The response varies from a light sprinkle to a huge gush nearly 10 feet out!

The ejaculate is very much like prostrate fluid. It is usually clear or milky and as thin as water. It does not have the look, smell, or taste of urine and is almost odorless. The taste varies depending on the month's time, diet, and possibly other factors, such as the amount of stimulation received before ejaculating or the time since the last ejaculation. It can vary from an almost honey sweet, sour, bitter, or a combination of these tastes.

Women who expel fluid during orgasm report that the color, smell, consistency, and taste vary. Even though it is ejaculated from the urethra, it is not urine. Researchers have found that although many women feel a slight need to urinate right before ejaculation, however, the fluid is not urine.

It is impossible to pee during an orgasm unless there is a weak pubococcygeus muscle. The fluid from the paraurethral glands is released or expelled during orgasm due to pelvic muscle contractions. Sometimes, all of the fluid emitted from a woman's urethra ejaculate. In other cases, the liquid is likely a mixture of ejaculate and urine. These fluids all exit the body through the urethra. The myths that female ejaculation is the result of poor bladder control or excess secretion, which sweats from the vaginal walls and pools in the back of the vagina to squirt out during the strong muscle contractions of orgasm, have been proven wrong.

The clitoris probably holds most women's key to female ejaculation. If the clitoris is not stimulated, a woman is less likely to become highly aroused. If she is not highly aroused, her paraurethral glands will not fill with fluid. It has been estimated between 10%, and 40% of women are capable of female ejaculation or squirting.

Today, we know that the difference between women who squirt and those who don't is in the number and size of their periurethral glands.

Women Can Learn How to Ejaculate

One method - the "Braun Method" begins with the woman lying back, legs spread open, her partner at her right side. After some foreplay, such as kissing, oral sex, nipple play, and rubbing the clitoris, the partner inserts two fingers into her vagina, usually the middle and ring fingers. However, you might prefer to use your middle and forefingers.

Slowly, her partner moves his two fingers around inside of her, continuing the foreplay. With probing fingers, he locates her G-Spot, a slightly raised, spongy bump on the "roof" of the vaginal cave (in most women, it is just behind the clitoris).

He then finds the center of this spot, pressing it gently but firmly. This pressure releases a warm flow of vaginal liquid; after that, the G-Man begins vigorously "fingering" her, in and out of her vaginal opening, causing the rapid, orgasmic expulsion of fluid. That is female "squirting."

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• (APA): Sexual Diversity. (2014, September 23). Female Ejaculation: How to Make a Woman Squirt. Retrieved September 20, 2024 from

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