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Male G-Spot: Information and Location

Author: Thomas C. Weiss
Published: 12th Mar 2015 - Updated: 20th Jun 2022
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: Male Dating and Romance Publications

Summary: Information and location of the male g-spot which is located between the scrotum and anus.


Human Male G-Spot
The human male G-spot is known as the prostate. It is located inside the rectum, about two inches toward the belly. A person can stimulate the prostate either internally or externally. Massaging it can produce an orgasm, and some men find this orgasm to be even more intense and pleasurable than a conventional, penile-induced orgasm.

Main Document

The male prostate gland is an important and sexually significant part of a man's body. It is also known commonly as the, 'male g-spot'. The male prostate gland is situated within the perineum, which lies between the testicles and anus. The male prostate gland is around the size of a walnut and secretes a prostatic fluid that is the main component of semen. Pleasurable and exciting orgasms can be created by internal massage to a man's prostate. Stimulation of the prostate is sure to provide plenty of pleasure to a man, although it is not an indication of sexual preference.

Locating the Male G-Spot

Inside the man's body, directly behind the scrotum, is a small and hairless patch of skin called the 'perineum,' between the scrotum and anus. The man needs to urinate before the start of exploration. Doing so helps reassure you that your bladder is empty if the urge to urinate happens during exploration.

The exact location of the male g-spot differs among men. Generally, you can assume the male g-spot is located around 2-3 inches from the anus, towards the man's stomach.

With the help of a partner, the prostate is fairly easy to find with the man lying on his back with his legs drawn back and potentially raised a bit. In this position, the partner should insert 1 or 2 fingers into the anus and massage the wall of the man's bowel with the fingertips.

If the man likes to lie on his stomach, his partner can again insert 1 or 2 fingers into the anus, bending them downwards while performing a downward, 'come hither,' motion.

Men frequently report that insertion of their partner's finger into their anus is facilitated by slightly pressing down as they would while emptying their bowels. Anal stimulation might feel unpleasant because the bowel is not endowed with lubrication-providing glands as in the female vagina. Make sure you use a water-based lubricating agent such as 'Astroglide,' which is available from sex shops, pharmacies, or mail order stores on the Internet.

Whether you have found your partner's prostate, or are just massaging a piece of bowel, may be determined in a couple of ways. One of these ways is by feeling the slightly rounded bulge at the base of the bladder, which feels somewhat 'spongy.' Another way is by your male partner's reaction, which indicates you have found it; your partner can provide directions.

The Prostate Gland and Oral Sex

Stimulating the male prostate gland requires a significant amount of familiarity and trust with one's sexual partner. After the initial squeamish sensations of having the prostate gland stimulated have been overcome, a man may begin to enjoy the pleasure and, in several instances, experience highly pleasurable orgasms. A water-based lubricant can ease the exploration into the man's anus by their partner's index finger.

Pleasurable sensations are increased if this is done while fellatio is being performed. The initiation into this type of foreplay may start with massaging or rubbing the man's prostate externally. Even gentle strokes have been found to result in firm erections. Slowly from the outside, the man's partner can work their way into the man's anus with their finger and begin gentle stimulation of the man's prostate gland. Like all types of foreplay, there should be a prior buildup of intimacy between the partners, and this type of foreplay cannot be hurried. Both partners might enjoy anal stimulation. The stimulation may be mutual and involve an incredible amount of fun.

Preparing Adequately for Stimulation of the Man's Prostate Gland

Several things must be understood and noted before a person approaches anal sex. Prior bowel movement is highly advised so the male prostate gland can be stimulated more easily. It is also important to ensure that the area around the man's anus is clean and well-groomed to allow for unimpeded exploration. Partners should also ensure that they are well-groomed and that their fingernails are appropriately trimmed to reduce internal injury. Foreplay may start with a warm bath taken together. Doing so would usually be a wonderful time to begin an intimate encounter that may lead to several pleasurable romps with your partner.

Prostate Stimulation Approaches

If you want to combine sex and prostate stimulation, butt plugs are one of the simplest options available. They may be used during blow jobs or actual intercourse. Butt plugs are available in several sizes and shapes. There is no need to be worried about the experience being uncomfortable or painful; choose the size that fits your requirements.

Using your finger or fingers to stimulate the male g-spot should not be a single exploration. Believe it or not, several people (both men and women) enjoy performing this type of stimulation in the bedroom, especially when the resulting orgasms can be so strong. If you want to try something highly-erotic, give your partner a blow job as you stimulate their g-spot.

Something partners might try is to brace their hands against the back of a couch and bend over at a 90-degree angle. Spread your legs apart and have your partner get on their knees in front of you. Doing so will allow your partner to perform oral sex while still being able to stimulate your g-spot.

At one point, some partners had no idea what a' rim job' was. Those days are far gone, and most partners are savvy with the technique today. If you would like to add a little additional ecstasy to your next session of sex with your partner, bring up the subject of reciprocal rim jobs. It is straightforward - when you and your partner are fresh out of the bath, gently use your tongue to probe each other's anuses. The sensation is incredible, and you are both certain to enjoy it. You can magnify your orgasms by manually stimulating each other during the rim job. Toying with your partner's g-spot should find your partner experiencing a powerful climax.

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• (APA): Thomas C. Weiss. (2015, March 12). Male G-Spot: Information and Location. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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